Tuesday, January 11, 2011

Update To AMD Piece

I find it interesting how often I'm seeing reports on AMD that have analysts/commentators lamenting that the company is now "directionless" or "adrift" in the wake of the resignation of its CEO.

Uh, guys? The company was pretty damn-near directionless *with* that CEO, so what's the difference? If the now-former CEO had a clear vision of the company's future, I never ran across an instance where he related that vision effectively.

At least now the board has taken some measure of responsibility for fixing the mess and finding a new leader who may actually give some direction and focus to the company. Sure, product development initiatives and launches *will* suffer in the absence of a full-time CEO, but it is not as though AMD had a killer app just waiting to hit the market.

Oh, and for what little it's worth ... I don't actually dislike the former AMD CEO as much as all of this may suggest. I just happen to think he'd reached the full capacity of his talents and capabilities and the company needed somebody else to go forward. There's nothing wrong with hiring a surgeon to fix your boo-boo, but once the boo-boo is fixed, it's time to move on.

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