Tuesday, May 18, 2010

Keep An Eye On Biobutanol

This article actually was originally prompted by something I read in my weekly reading of newspapers, magazines, and journals. I just wish I could remember which one it was... 

Few topics seem to garner as much interest these days as the idea of moving past the gasoline-based transportation economy and onto something better. Several candidates for "better" have risen and fallen in recent years - fuel cells and ethanol seem to be yesterday's news - and advanced batteries are the belle of the "better" ball right now.

Investors should keep an eye out for biobutanol. While there are several significant challenges to surmount before biobutanol could be commonplace, this is an alternative fuel that may actually give us a real alternative when it comes to fueling our cars. That, in turn, could deliver real rewards for companies like DuPont (NYSE:DD), BP (NYSE:BP) and Total (NYSE:TOT) down the line.


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