Thursday, November 10, 2011

Investopedia: Solazyme May Pay Off On Green Dreams

As embarrassingly high-profile green company bankruptcies, in recent weeks, have reminded investors that governments may be poor at picking long-term winners, it is also worth repeating that it's not easy being green. Conventional methods of producing energy are cheap, easy and reliable, and those are high hurdles for new technologies to surmount. Nevertheless, while there is ample uncertainty left, Solazyme (NASDAQ: SZYM) is a green-tech company with technology well-worth a look from aggressive investors.   

Quarterly Results are Trivial 
In the larger scheme of things, Solazyme's quarterly earnings reports don't matter much right now because, frankly, there are no earnings. Solazyme did announce that revenue rose 93% from last year, but with total revenue still below $9 million, it's not all that significant. Likewise the GAAP net loss of $14 million is not so significant.

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