Wednesday, December 27, 2023

Hey Everyone!

I've basically let this page go fallow, as I was encountering various issues that I just didn't have time to address. Apologies for that.

I may take another swing at this in 2024 to see if I can make this site more usable. What is more likely, though, is that I will migrate to Substack. Much of what I do there will be like what I do here - links to articles published on other sites - but I think I may start putting some original content there (and that will probably be behind a paywall).

If anybody is still reading here and has thoughts about this, feel free to share.

I wish everyone a very happy, healthy, and prosperous New Year!


fatcat said...

Whatever path you take I wish you the very best. You have been a great help over the years with your in-depth, intelligent analyses. I would hope that you stay with Seeking ASlpha but you must do what is best for you. Thanks again.

Stephen Simpson said...

If I keep writing, it'll still be primarily for Seeking Alpha. Substack would largely be just a new "host" for this, as well as an opportunity to monetize some content that Seeking Alpha won't publish/pay for.