Tuesday, January 17, 2012

Investopedia: Currency All-Time Highs And Lows

There is little question that the end of the Bretton Woods system of fixed currency rates in the 1970s led to major changes in the global financial markets. Forex trading has become an enormous global market and it is hard to listen to an hour of financial news TV without hearing some mention of what's going on with the dollar. (The line between profitable forex trading and ending up in the red may be as simple as choosing the right account. For more, see Forex Basics: Setting Up An Account.)

Although fixed rates meant that for much of financial history the topic of forex rates was rather dry and academic, things have certainly changed since then. There has been a remarkable increase in trading volume and volatility and many major currencies have seen major swings in the floating market since 1990.

Read the full column here:

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