Wednesday, October 26, 2022

Banner Posting Attractive Growth On Excellent Funding Trends

At a certain point, smaller banks all sort of blur together, with only modest differentiation in areas like geographic footprint, operating efficiency, and loan growth priorities. Banner (NASDAQ:BANR) is an exception, though, as this smaller bank not only serves an attractive customer profile and geographic footprint (smaller businesses in the Pacific Northwest), but has a credible efficiency drive underway, strong credit quality, and very strong funding.

The bad news, if you can call it that, is that Banner’s performance hasn’t gone unnoticed, and the bank has separated itself from the broader regional bank group on a one-year, two-year, and five-year basis, with the shares outperforming other regionals by around 20% over the last year or so. While I don’t think that Banner is overpriced now, it’s not a huge bargain and its appeal is more of the “growth at a reasonable price” variety.


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Banner Posting Attractive Growth On Excellent Funding Trends

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