Wednesday, October 16, 2013

Seeking Alpha: Summer Infant's Self-Improvement Could Take It A Lot Further

I approach a bullish article on Summer Infant (SUMR) with more than a little trepidation, as I have been burned by writing favorably about this name once before. I previously underestimated the serious operational challenges that the company faced after a series of debt-fueled acquisitions and the resulting missteps with new product introductions, not to mention challenges at major retailers like Toys R Us/Babies R Us and the increasing penetration of private label competition.

Even with the stock up more than 80% over the past year, I do wonder if Summer Infant is back on stronger footing and has further gains ahead of it. Management has elected to discontinue low-margin licensing arrangements, is rationalizing its SKU count, and is broadening its retailer base. What's more, it would seem that conservative estimates for revenue and cash flow (not to mention discount rate) still leave appreciation potential in excess of 40% from today's levels. It has to be noted, though, that Summer Infant is a tiny player in the baby care products market and has yet to demonstrate that it can deliver consistent organic revenue growth, let alone attractive margins or cash flow.

Please follow this link to continue:
Summer Infant's Self-Improvement Could Take It A Lot Further

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