Monday, October 28, 2013

The Motley Fool: Wall Street Fully On Board With Boston Scientific

For as many execution issues as Boston Scientific  (NYSE: BSX  ) has had over the years, current management deserves credit for the extent to which they have changed both the reality of the business and Wall Street's perception of it. The company is still behind large rivals in key growth areas like transcathether heart valves and renal denervation, but it is no longer a notable laggard in terms of reported growth.

The only real downside that I see to the story is that expectations have moved to a point where it seems like the Street is giving the company a lot of benefit of the doubt with respect to its execution in 2014. The next 12 months should see meaningful progress across multiple product lines, but it's hard to argue that the shares are notably undervalued after the big move over the past year.

Please read the full article here:

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