Thursday, December 18, 2014

Seeking Alpha: Better Priorities Leading To Better Outcomes For Broadcom

Broadcom (NASDAQ:BRCM) has had to learn some hard lessons about growth for growth's sake. Chasing revenue growth for its own sake led the company to two sizable ill-fated (and overpriced) acquisitions, not to mention the fruitless investment of substantial monetary resources into the uncompetitive broadband business.

Chastened by its failures, Broadcom management has retrenched around its established strengths and reprioritized profitable growth. Lost, or at least obscured, in the fuss over baseband and the lingering concerns about wireless connectivity is a very strong business in switching and broadband, not to mention upside from IoT-oriented connectivity products. Broadcom isn't obviously cheap from a FCF perspective, but if Broadcom can deliver the margin improvements its management projects and if the company can stick to a Texas Instruments-like (NASDAQ:TXN) transformation, there could be long-term upside beyond $50.

Read more here:
Better Priorities Leading To Better Outcomes For Broadcom

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