Monday, November 1, 2010

FinancialEdge: How To Get A Job On Wall Street

No matter how many scandals befall and befoul Wall Street, there never seems to be a shortage of people who want to work on Street. Whether it's the supposed glamor and glory of the jobs, or the decidedly more real above-average compensation, there is almost always a willing surplus of talented people who want to become analysts, traders or managers. (For related reading, also be sure to check out Wanna Be A Bigwig? Try Investment Banking.)

Like any industry, there is no hard-and-fast rule about how to get a foot in the door. That said, there are a few tried and true paths that those who want to work on the Street should seriously consider.

Undergrad Name Brands Matter
If somebody wants to catch a fish, it stands to reason that they should frequent the lakes and rivers where there are fish. Likewise, someone who already thinks that they are cut out for Wall Street as early as their high school years should try to target those universities where investment banks recruit undergraduates. This list includes the Ivy League schools, other well-known universities like University of Chicago, Duke and Georgetown, and a fairly large percentage of the top 25 schools in the United States.

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