Thursday, December 22, 2011

Investopedia: Oracle Shovels Coal On The IT Sector

Oracle (Nasdaq:ORCL) certainly is no longer among the spectacular growth stories of tech, but it has at least two things going for it: a huge breadth of business and a startling record of consistency. It also happens to be a technology bellweather, and its off-kilter reporting schedule is often looked at by investors as a thermometer for the tech sector as a whole. Consequently, Oracle's rare and broad disappointment on Tuesday evening is sending chills through the tech sector and giving investors one last good nightmare before Christmas.

A Rare Stumble  
This was the first miss on quarterly earnings from Oracle in a decade; a rather remarkable record given the ups and downs of IT spending and the sheer scale of all the moving parts at the company in that time.

Please follow the link for more:

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