Thursday, December 29, 2011

Seeking Alpha: Will AES Finally Make Good In 2012?

Waiting for global electrical utility operator AES to pay off as an investment has been a lot like waiting for Godot, though I don't remember so many disappointments in Beckett's play. Although AES has a great collection of power generation assets, it has for some time now and management has never yet managed to wring much value out of them. With new management and a new plan, perhaps long-suffering investors will see some rewards for their patience in 2012.

The New New Plan
Long-term investors in AES have heard enough new plans over the years that they should well be skeptical. In particular, AES has a long history of shuffling the deck – selling this or that project and investing hundreds of millions into the next “big thing” all in the hopes of generating some real returns from a large asset base. Heretofore, it hasn't worked out so well and investors would have frankly done better with a money-market account for the last decade.

To read the full article, please click here:
Will AES Finally Make Good In 2012?

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