Wednesday, March 13, 2013

Seeking Alpha: CVD Equipment - Certain Risks And Potentially Significant Returns

I'm a fan of so-called repurposed technologies - technologies that were developed for one industry or application and are then introduced into new areas. In that sense, I'm intrigued by CVD Equipment's (CVV) attempts to bring chemical vapor deposition, a technique/technology long used in semiconductor manufacturing, into areas like solar power, LEDs, med-tech and nanotechnology. While the technologies are different, it's a basic approach that has worked for other companies like FEI Company (FEIC).

Unfortunately, while the basic concept of applying very thin layers of active materials to surfaces holds significant potential in many different end markets, there are many ways to skin a cat and CVD's tiny revenue base suggests that the company hasn't really made major commercial inroads yet. Applications in carbon nanotubes, nanowire, and graphene likewise hold huge theoretical potential, but there are many miles to go before it becomes anything like commonplace or commercial in scale.

Please read more here:
CVD Equipment - Certain Risks And Potentially Significant Returns

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