Saturday, March 16, 2013

Seeking Alpha: Gordmans Stores Looking To Carve Out A Niche In The Cutthroat Retail World

I go back a long way with Gordmans Stores (GMAN). When I was a little kid, the local Richman Gordman had a kids play area with these huge (to a 4-yr-old) fiberglass animals that you could climb on/through, slide down, and otherwise amuse yourself with. The play area was always pretty full, and I think Richman Gordman was locally popular if for no other reason than mothers could do some shopping (these were the days when you actually could leave kids unattended to play) while their shrieking hellions amused themselves without bothering other shoppers.

Fast forward all too many years, and it's worth asking if the U.S. retail scene really needs yet another shopping destination. In the case of Gordmans, I think there could be something here - the company is trying to combine discount store pricing with a specialty store "feel," and shoppers have proven over and over again that they love that combination. With a good balance sheet, an economically attractive store model, and a solid expansion plan, these shares may just be a discount themselves today.

Please continue reading here:
Gordmans Stores Looking To Carve Out A Niche In The Cutthroat Retail World

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